Houston, Dec 15th: Despite IdeasUnlimited’s workers spanning vast distances around the world, the company still found a way to bring everyone together and cap off 2021 with the first ever IdeasUnlimited Team Building Session. This initiative proved to be a great way to help everyone familiarize themselves with the rest of the IdeasUnlimited staff as well as learn some tools and techniques to improve productivity in a team environment.
A combination of virtual and physical sessions were conducted in order to accommodate both remote and onsite workers. This event structure seemed suitable given that the effects of COVID are still subsiding, forcing some to be only available remotely.
Virtual Event
Just like 2020’s 10 year celebration, IdeasUnlimited hosted a virtual session for all the remote staff. Team building activity is normally designed to be carried out in person, so creating one for a virtual setting proved to be tricky. The session consisted of icebreakers, team-based games and problem solving challenges that forced everyone to think out of the box. It was wonderful to see everyone coming up with creative ways to communicate, coordinate and solve problems as a collective.
On-site Event
Over in the Philippines, the team gathered workers at a beautiful location outdoors. Much like the virtual session, this event focused on bringing everyone together and creating an environment of comradery that promotes conducive team building. While COVID made in-person events impossible last year, it was great to have the team meet each other for this year to share certificates, take part in activities and spend some time with their colleagues outside of the office.
While some do not see the value of team building, IdeasUnlimited believes that events like these are crucial in order to achieve corporate goals. The company aims to be a cohesive support unit for businesses around the world and this requires an equally cohesive team that performs well as a group. The 2021 Team Building Session is just another one of our many initiatives to work towards our goals: deliver high quality results, professional growth and maintaining a pleasant work environment. For more information about our team, be sure to visit our about us page. For everything else, feel free to reach us on our contact us page.